











8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


ORPS’ mission is to encourage and assist faculty in obtaining and administering external support for research, 指令, 社区服务项目和创意艺术. 这样做的时候, ORPS支持NCF, designated by the State of Florida as the “honors college for the liberal arts,” in its endeavor to provide an undergraduate education of the highest caliber to leading students from around the country. ORPS fulfills its mission and that of the College through best practices of research administration, 遵循联邦和州的规定.


ORPS strives to attract external support for New College’s research and scholarly endeavors through agreements, 奖, 与政府签订合同和赠款, 非营利组织, 基金会和公司. 我们所做的 so by encouraging collaboration and interdisciplinary research activities, 通过促进本地, 区域, national and international partnerships in research and by enhancing efficient infrastructure to support research activities that foster intellectual discovery, creative problem solving and the dissemination of knowledge.

For inquiries regarding grants and contracts contact (电子邮件保护) and for inquiries regarding 院校检讨委员会 applications and information contact (电子邮件保护).



  • 讨论项目想法
  • Suggesting funding sources or ways to identify funding sources
  • 演示如何使用资金数据库
  • Overseeing institutional endorsement procedures (internal clearance process via required proposal check list)
  • 帮助解释应用程序指南
  • Advising you during the early stages of narrative and budget development
  • Serving as educated general readers of proposal drafts
  • Advising on the use of human and animal subjects in research
  • 跟进提案的进展情况
  • 合同和赠款的谈判
  • 分包合同的撰写


  • 授权管理
  • 监控对保荐人要求的遵守情况, including new agency requirements and/or changes in contractual and grant regulations
  • 批准预算变动
  • 监控时间和工作报告
  • Providing dissemination of 政策 and procedures related to sponsored agreements awarded to the college
  • Providing professional and helpful interaction between the college community and funders


参观 NCF社区页面(需要MyNCF登录) 查找有关融资机会的信息, 政策, 程序及表格, 提案建议, 和更多的.



Sponsored Projects and Academic Budget Specialist


新博网页 recognizes researchers who have recently been awarded grants.


The 院校检讨委员会 (IRB) reviews projects and experiments involving human subjects that take place at New College. The IRB makes sure that the experiments are conducted under the basic ethical principles of respect to the persons involved, 仁慈和正义.

所有的研究都是由新博网页的教师进行的, staff and students involving humans must be reviewed and approved in advance by New College’s IRB. This means that if you are going to conduct an experiment involving humans, you need to get IRB approval before you can start collecting your data. 取决于你的项目, 审查过程可以详细说明, as it is very important to make sure your experiment meets ethical standards.

Find guidelines, rules, and forms relating to the IRB on the NCF社区页面(需要MyNCF登录).

NCF IRB关心的是安全性, rights and welfare of all individuals participating in research projects at NCF. We take all research concerns or complaints very seriously. 不遵守道德标准, 联邦法规, 其他法律, or institutional 政策 must be reported to the IRB. Additionally, researchers should self-report noncompliance to the IRB.

To resolve minor research concerns or complaints, you may prefer to speak directly with the study investigator(s). 我们所做的, 然而, understand that you may not wish to speak with the study investigator directly in some circumstances. We can help you whether you wish to speak with the study investigator(s) or not.

If you prefer to share your concerns or complaints directly with the IRB, please provide the following information via email to (电子邮件保护). All information will be kept confidential and will only be used to contact you to follow up on this report. If you decide to work with the study investigator(s) directly, most research studies have a consent form or information sheet that is given to you when you are considering whether you wish to participate in the study. The consent form or information sheet will include a “Questions” section that will explain how you can contact the study investigator directly, 如果你愿意的话.


  • 研究名称或描述
  • 研究人员姓名
  • Your name and position in relation to the study (i.e. 研究参与者, site supervisor who has approved the investigator(s) presence at your site, or a bystander/witness to the circumstances of the complaint.
  • Please briefly describe the concern or complaint. This should include the date and location of the incident(s) and whether you were directly involved, 目睹了有问题的行为, 或者把它报告给你. 如果有人向你报告, please include the date you heard about the complaint, and whether the reporting was verbal or in writing.
  • Have you discussed this concern or complaint with the study investigator(s)? 如有,请提供日期和结果.
  • Please provide any additional information you find relevant.

IRB staff will review the information you have provided and will attempt to address your concern or complaint as quickly as possible. We will contact you within 5 business days with a follow-up.

你不会被骚扰, 歧视, or be subject to any reprisals or retaliations for reporting violations in good faith. 您可以匿名提供信息. If you choose to reveal your identity, you will be protected to the extent possible by law.